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How to Deal With Isolation When You're Working Alone

You may be in isolation but there is no need to be isolated.

Working alone sounds great. No one steals the last cup of coffee, and there’s no boss telling you to get to work. There’s one big catch. When you aren't working in an office, you can often suffer from isolation. You're opportunities to interact with others become limited.

This can become quite uncomfortable after a while. Before you start talking to your plant, take control of the situation.

Find ways to spend time with others:

  1. Stay in touch with your friends. Your old work friends don’t have to stop being your friends just because you work alone now. It’s easy to lose track of each other. Make an effort to stay in touch with those you like. It’s harder to make new friends when you don’t see the same people repeatedly. Consider getting virtual coffee with your colleagues, family or network partners. Book a slot in your diary and face time for a coffee and a chat.

  2. Find others who are the same situation as you are. You’re not the only one feeling isolated. Take advantage of social media and find others just like yourself.

  3. Skype and FaceTime can be a good compromise for catching up with people. If you want to do it more often and on a more formal basis, consider signing up for a paid service such as zoom or gotomeeting

  4. Look into networking opportunities. Most networking groups are now meeting virutally, so this is the time to join them. Find your local group to meeet people from different companies, or join a national group linked to your industry. Once lock down is over, you will be ahead of the game in your networking.

  5. Avoid eating lunch alone. Everyone eats lunch. Be on a mission to find an endless supply of lunch partners. Between your networking groups, friends, family, neighbors, old friends, and the trusty internet, you should be able to find plenty of willing lunch partners. Use skype and facetime to have a virtual lunch break. This will actually encourage you to take a break away from your desk.

  6. Get a pet. Consider getting a dog. A fish or cat might be more your style, but dogs are more interactive. Your dog will always be happy to see you. The cat might not care. No one will understand just how brilliant you are more than your pet.

  7. Create a routine. It might not make sense, but having a routine can help to beat feelings of isolation. It’s easy to sit and stare out the window when you work alone. Having a schedule prevents this. You’ll also know when your next dose of human contact is coming. Make a routine and force yourself to stick with it.

  8. Can't go out and join a gym? Look on lineJoin a gym and use it. There are so many free online gym classes now, take advantage of them. Use them as your break from work to clear your mind and raise your serotonin levels. With Smart TVs you can now access YouTube on your TV and have a work out experience in your front room.

  9. Spend time with your clients. If deal directly with clients, set up a virtual visit. They’d probably welcome a short break. You’ll maintain valuable relationships and boost your social life.

Isolation and workign alone don’t have to go hand-in-hand. With a little planning, you can find plenty of people to share part of your day. You don’t have to suffer just because you’ve decided to work at home. There are options for enjoying regular human contact.

Take advantage of them and leave your isolation behind.

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